#Nerdlution and So Can You (FAQ)

Twitter + friends + a comet crashing through the sun = #nerdlution.

Something was seriously in the air Thanksgiving day.  I, for some reason thought to myself, “I should do 100 push-ups today.”

Then, I did.

Then, I thought, “I should do this every. day.”

To which I thought, “stop Chris, this is crazy talk.”

Fast forward only a few hours and I am on twitter, natch, and come across this exchange (images from Franki’s blog):

So, I opened my big mouth:

And then Colby Sharp smartly put “Nerdy” (as in Book Club) and “Resolution” (as in New Year’s) together and coined #nerdlution.   Somewhere in this mix the idea of doing something for 50 days, whatever you choose to do, however you want to do it, came up. Franki does the best job of being a #nerdlution historian on her post (which you should read).

Add in some Kristi Mraz amazing doodles, a little of my novice photoshopping, and we had a blog button (which we would LOVE if you stole and stuck on your own blog):

nerdlution button tiny

The most amazing thing we have had in a very short amount of time is you! The outpouring on blogs and twitter of people making their own #nerdlutions is more than inspiring.

How You Can, Too: FAQ

The basic premise is starting tomorrow, Monday, December 2, (though some of us have started early), pick one thing or many things you want to commit to doing over the next 50 days. We were thinking it’s something you do every day, but really it’s up to you.  The focus here is making a change that matters.

There really are no rules. There is only community, support, and love for making and doing good things.

A Very, Very Important #Nerdlution FAQ

  • Can I just pick one thing? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Can I pick 5 things? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Is it okay if it is not fitness related? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Is it okay if it is reading related? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Is it okay if I’m really, really scared but really, really inspired? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Is it okay to only do something 3 times per week and something else 2 times per week? A: If it makes you happy.
  • If I mess up and miss a day, can I make it up another day? A: If it makes you happy.
  • If I mess up, can I just skip that day? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Should I tell everyone if I’m having a hard time? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Should I celebrate little accomplishments? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Can I modify my goal if I need to? A: If it makes you happy.
  • Should I give up if it doesn’t go well? A: No.
  • Should I feel alone in this or like people are judging me? A: No. (Because we’re all gonna screw up a little or a lot, let’s be honest.)

In my mind, the best part of this whole thing is that we’re all in it together.

It would be wonderful if you shared on twitter the times you felt amazing and the times you epically failed.  It would be amazing if you offered help to people who are trying a thing that you do well and asked for help when you feel like you just can’t do it anymore.

Like the Nerdy Book Club, we’re all here for the right reasons – to make ourselves, or our world, or both, better.

There are many ways to officially join–if it makes you happy:

  • Do a thing for 50 days along with us
  • Tweet daily using #nerdlution
  • Blog about your plan and your progress, and plop that button on your page
  • Add your plan to the comments section of Colby’s #nerdlution post

Go get em!

46 thoughts on “#Nerdlution and So Can You (FAQ)

  1. Nerlution, what a phrase! Love the twist on two great words :). My nerdlution is inspired to create thematic writing and implement it in 50 days of teaching. It will make me happy!

  2. […] As with many trends in my life, this one started on Twitter! Shortly after becoming more active on Twitter I discovered The Nerdy Book Club, and it is not an exaggeration to say that my life has never been the same since then! I have happily joined in Twitter Chats, #bookaday, #bookgapchallenges, #cyberpd, and even #nErDcampbc from the comfort of my living room or wherever I happen to be at the moment. What I love about Twitter is the power it has to connect me to like-minded educators, readers, and other super smart people who unfortunately do not live near enough to me to meet for a chat in person. Twas the day of Thanksgiving and all throughout my Twitter feed there were people making what I consider to be early New Year’s resolutions. @iChrisLehman and several others dubbed them #Nerdlutions and so I was hooked (see his blog post at https://christopherlehman.wordpress.com/2013/12/01/nerdlution-and-so-can-you-faq/ […]

  3. Reblogged this on ellen's esl teaching blog and commented:
    Here’s an idea, to help you make one change that you’d like to make, for 50 days. They call it a “#Nerdlution”, which is like a resolution for nerds, people who really like books and studying. Anyway, my nerdlution is to do a plank every day, adding 5 seconds for as long as I can, and also to post something to the blog as often as possible. Let me know if you make a “nerdlution”

  4. #nerdlution was just the motivation I needed. I am excited about participating! Reading your post makes me happy:)

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