Falling in Love with #CloseReading Study Guide, Events, Open Video Call

Kate Roberts and I have been so honored that many of you have made Falling in Love with Close Reading: Lessons for Analyzing Texts–And Life a part of your classrooms and study groups with colleagues.

We hope our ideas spark engagement and interest in looking at close reading not through the lens of a mandate or prescribed program, but instead as one of many methods that can support our students (and ourselves) in looking at texts, media, and even our lives in new ways.

Falling in Love with Close Reading Study Guide!

In honor of your work, Kate and I wrote a Study Guide to accompany the book and support you in your conversations with colleagues.  More than just discussion questions, the free guide is written with the same spirit Kate and I bring to our in-school staff development: one part inspiration, one part conversation, one part hands-on practical… and all parts collaboration.

You can find the study guide housed on Heinemann’s page or click the image below:

Falling in Love With Close Reading cover

Falling in Love with Close Reading Events – Live and Online

ONLINE! Kate and I are leading a 3-part interactive webinar. Three, 75 minute webinar sessions from 4:00pm–5:15pm ESTWednesdays, January 22, 29, February 5. Information and registration for the webinar series is at this link.

LIVE! In addition to our regular work speaking and consulting in schools, Kate and I are presenting on the West Coast in April (yay!). Seattle on April 3 and Portland on April 4.  Seats are limited (our two fall dates sold out early).  Information and registration for the One-Day Workshops are at this link.

Call for Videos!

by Iconshock used under Creative Commons lic

Many of you have been tweeting or telling us in person about the amazing work you and your students are doing around close reading while using strategies from Falling in Love with Close Reading.  We would like to celebrate your work and share it with the world.

We are having an open call for 4-minutes or less classroom video clips of you and your students in action.

All submissions require appropriate consent forms, find them and how to submit at the video landing page: Vimeo.com/FILWCloseReading (click links on the left sidebar).  Selected videos will be posted with your name and state (unless you request otherwise).

#engchat Archive

We enjoyed guest hosting #engchat last night, the weekly chat for teachers of literacy and English.  You can find the archive here. While there, consider donating to help #engchat‘s founder, Meenoo Rami, defray the cost of web-hosting the chat archives and announcements.

Thanks for all you do for your students and this profession!

One thought on “Falling in Love with #CloseReading Study Guide, Events, Open Video Call

  1. So, I guess you’ve been busy.
    And are about to get even busier, eh?
    I realized this morning that I haven’t stopped by here for my 50 comments at 50 blogs over 50 days for the #nerdlution, and Iam here to plant my flag. I love that idea of asking folks to submit videos for a collection. I will have to see if I have anything helpful but as a resource, seeing other teachers at work with students is always a huge value for me.
    I am downloading the study guide right now, and if the guide is anything like the book that you and Kate wrote, I am sure it will be valuable and informative and inviting. It seems like “close reading” is the phrase of the last six months (way to ride the wave, man)
    Take care,
