Upcoming Event: “MENA Common Core Conference,” Dubai, UAE

I am honored to be invited to give the keynote and lead sessions for the 1st Annual MENA Common Core Conference in Dubai, UAE, November 1 and 2, 2013.

The conference is aimed at supporting educators in the MENA region (“Middle East and North Africa”), or anyone interested in joining, who either work for American schools that are currently studying the Common Core Math and ELA standards or educators in general interested in studying the standards and best practices.

The Common Core Standards alone do not impact schools, it is instead dedicated educators teaching with purpose and a deep focus on students that lead to more rigorous and engaged learning. Educators of MENA schools have a unique opportunity to learn from the triumphs and troubles of implementation in the United States and take the best of what’s possible back to their classrooms.

Call for Proposals

There is also a current call for proposals of educators interested in presenting at the conference.  Presenters have their conference fee waived. The conference organizers have more information and are accepting proposals at their website (here). Proposals are due by Sept 15th.

I am looking forward to an exciting, intensive–and no doubt inspirational–conference!



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